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by Patricia Urquiola, 2019

Gogan is a soft sculpture. A visual order, an organic shape, a clear embrace. It is an invite to comfort, to spend time together, in a relaxed and natural way. Composed, smooth and irregular, like a river stone, polished by water.

The Gogan collection takes its name from nature and in particular from Japanese stones rendered smooth by time and water. This is the name given to the Japanese stones placed to protect and embellish the banks of rivers and lakes. The sofa’s form, as much as the armchair’s form, in fact reminds us of flat stones sculpted by wind and water, solid yet smooth enough that you can lie on them.

By playing around with gravity and balance, we can make normally heavy shapes lightweight. Just like in rock sculptures, where stones maintain their balance by being carefully positioned and interlocked, it is the shape that maintains the balance between the elements on the Gogan sofa and armchair, which is not overly regular.


The seats are soft and irregular with the centre of gravity being slightly inclined towards the rear. This gives exceptional comfort and allows the backrest to be kept lower. The backrest and seat are joined by abutments, which lend the sofa a sense of lightness, so that it appears as if it was suspended above the ground.

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